Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Task 3

It's later!...
Laurie convincingly blasted round the course demonstrating some patience with the weak conditions ... but not a lot! ;-)
Many more pilots were well around the course before spots of rain were seen to splatter down near the B40 turnpoint.
As the last pilot left the start cylinder just minutes before the task stop time the task will not be valid today :(
But another day of enjoyable flying was had by all, so no-one is too fed up!
Tonight, the 32 girls will be shimmy-ing and shake-ing their booty in a Belly-Dancing class ;-)

Conditions today didn't allow us to race in the traditional sense ... the sky was filled with cirrus but climbs were plentiful. After dispatching a few wind dummies we modified the 'Race' and set the task as Elapsed Time. It was so nice not to hear the anticipated groans from pilots that normally accompany a decision like this in World Cup!

Unfortunately the task was stopped after 1 3/4 hours due to rain in the valley but had been level 1 all through till that time. We are downloading now to see what happens to task validity ... more later!

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