Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Task 3

It's later!...
Laurie convincingly blasted round the course demonstrating some patience with the weak conditions ... but not a lot! ;-)
Many more pilots were well around the course before spots of rain were seen to splatter down near the B40 turnpoint.
As the last pilot left the start cylinder just minutes before the task stop time the task will not be valid today :(
But another day of enjoyable flying was had by all, so no-one is too fed up!
Tonight, the 32 girls will be shimmy-ing and shake-ing their booty in a Belly-Dancing class ;-)

Conditions today didn't allow us to race in the traditional sense ... the sky was filled with cirrus but climbs were plentiful. After dispatching a few wind dummies we modified the 'Race' and set the task as Elapsed Time. It was so nice not to hear the anticipated groans from pilots that normally accompany a decision like this in World Cup!

Unfortunately the task was stopped after 1 3/4 hours due to rain in the valley but had been level 1 all through till that time. We are downloading now to see what happens to task validity ... more later!

Day 3

The weather goddess likes us :)

We expected to wake up to clouds and an imminent front passing through the area but all we have is sunshine and a few high cirrusy squiggles.
So another day high in the Catalan sky is planned.

Briefing starts on the hill at 11am ... more later

More from Philippe :)

Women open task 1part 2 from broers philippe on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 2

Japanese 1 & 2 today with both pilots crossing the end of speed section with identical times ... there was a BIG party in the download room!

6 pilots in goal and a big bikini-party at the lakeside today :)

A technical task with a valley crossing and then over the ridge to Castell de Mur, across the flats to Isona and then landing in goal at the lake. The last bit was the tricky bit. Five in goal so far... bad day for at least three in the top ten. Great conditions though. The kind of sky we live for...

From Nicky on the top of St.Alis
Daniella 1st crossing the ridge with Nicole, Jasna and a fleet of Japanese girls just behind :)
So far, Laurie is no where to be seen :(

Day 2

Morning briefing is happening ... Laurie, Daniella & Paty a loaded up with goodie bags for the day prizes :)

It's warm, sunny and light wind, so we are going up to fly in the sky :)

Day 1 results online


Phillipes Videos from the competition

Women open Briefing day one! from broers philippe on Vimeo.

Women open registration evening flight from broers philippe on Vimeo.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Àger Open 2011 1st task - a big fat success :))))

A 49km task today with lots of happy smiley pilots landing in the sunshine at Vilamitjana. Provisionally the task was won by Laurie Genovese  with Daniela Hofer 2nd and Paty Garcia Leytona 3rd.

The 32 pilots competing all launched with 15 minutes of window open and reported level 1 conditions throughout the course.
The task started at Agullo then a zig-zag in the valley from the gorge and back to Àger before jumping over the back into the Tremp flatlands.
Our World Cup wind-dummies, Pepe & Philippe were given strict  instructions to NOT lead-out, NOT to show where the thermals were and NOT to arrive in goal first! Fortunately for them they behaved themselves ( for once ;-) ) and can avoid getting their assess kicked by the girls! ;-)

We had no incidents and lots of competition newcomers in goal - the 1st comp and goal on the 1st day is always a good feeling! :-)

GPS's are being downloaded now ... more later